Embarking on his journey at just 14 as a voice actor at All India Radio, Samit's strength in the arts became evident early on. His roots in theater led him to co-write and act in a school play, earning him "Excellence in Acting" for his portrayal of Lord Krishna. This passion continued at Hansraj College, where nationwide recognition followed numerous stage and street play performances, accompanied by awards for him and his theater group including “Best Actor” at MEDINA festival and IBTIDA Festival at Hindu College.
Trained by celebrated National School of Drama faculties and industry professionals, Samit honed his craft. With over 12 co-written and acted plays, he seamlessly transitioned to on-screen acting in 2017, starting with short films and supporting roles in feature films.
Discovery by Casting Bay's team opened doors to Amazon Prime Video's "Breathe: Into The Shadows" and "Tandav" in 2020, marking his web-series debut in pivotal roles. Beyond acting, Samit forays into social media, addressing social issues through self-created comedic videos on platforms like YouTube and Instagram. Rapidly gaining popularity, he remains committed to giving voice to characters with impactful stories, cultivating a growing social media footprint every day.
Rodney Corttier, Head of Drama, LAMDA (London Academy of Music and Dramatic Arts)
"Samit was excellent and he demonstrated sheer brilliance. He revealed specific relationships and total clarity of thought while presenting Hamlet and Romeo Juliet for me. I had no hesitation in asking him for a callback."
Mayank Sharma.
Writer, Director, Breathe: Into The Shadows (Amazon Prime Video)
"I was amazed by his portrayal and perspective on the role. I could see an actor with a radiant screen presence and a huge potential... He performed with finesse, giving a natural and balanced performance."